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Welcome to THE VINE,

where we aim to see youth connected to Jesus Christ the vine, by believing and trusting in Him as Lord and Saviour. In turn, bearing fruit and being faithful witnesses in a dark world! We want to make disciples, who make disciples.


Pastor Eddie Martin & Family

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Christian Community

Our Youth Ministry is a way to help youth develop Christian community.


Release Time

We minister to Northwest Middle School and Travelers Rest High School through the Release Time Program.



We believe that being a part of our student's lives is one of the best ways for the gospel to be on display.  Fellowship is a vital part of a church community because it provides a space for mutual encouragement, support, accountability, and spiritual growth through shared experiences and connections with other believers, which helps individuals stay grounded in their faith and actively live out their Christian values; essentially acting as a source of strength and unity within the community. 

Local Outreach


Fellowship of Christian Athletes


Each year FCA is a Huge avenue used to spread the Gospel to athletes at Northwest Middle School. Travelers Rest High School & North Greenville University. Each week during fall sports we facilitate huddle groups where we led Bible study with the players after practice. We have seen the Lord move in many ways from being there for player after tragedy, seeing players come to know Christ and even seeing Coaches grow in their faith.We believe that we should teach our student to use every gift God gives us for His glory and the upbuilding of His Kingdom! 1 Cor. 10:31 "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."



NGU Church Fair

Statewide Missions

Serving the homeless

Student Resources


Biblical Counseling for Students

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work

  2 Ti 3:16–17.

We believe that Gods word can address the root of every problem, and that it is His word that penetrates to the heart, causing lasting change in lives!

Keeping Ministry Safe

Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves

 Mt 10:16.

We are a "Ministry Safe" church where every individual serving our students must receive a background check, training on appropriate & inappropriate practices with students, and sexual awareness. It is our duty to make the church a safe place for families to grow spiritually.


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